FunnelWeb provides a quick name syntax as an alternative, for macros whose name consists of a single character, to the angle bracket syntax usually used (@<Sloth@>). A quick name sequence consists of @#x@hash where x, the name of the macro, can be any printable character except space.
quick_name = "@#" non_space_printable
The result is identical to the equivalent ordinary name syntax, but is shorter. For example, @#X is equivalent to @<X@>. This shorter way of writing one-character macro names is more convenient where a macro must be used very often. For example, the macro calls in the following fragment of an Ada program are a little clumsy.
@! Define @<D@> as "" to turn on debug code and "--" to turn it off. @$@<D@>@{--@} @<D@>assert(b>3); @<D@>if x>7 then write("error") end if
The calls can be shortened using the alternative syntax.
@! Define @#| as "" to turn on debug code and "--" to turn it off. @$@#|@{--@} @#|assert(b>3); @#|if x>7 then write("error") end if